Okalona Missionary Baptist Church is located at 2816 Hwy. 235 in Nancy Kentucky. Our Regular Worship times are as follows:

Sunday School (for all ages) 10:00am
Morning Worship Service 11:00am
Evening Worship Service 6:00pm
Evening Worship/Prayer Meeting 7:00pm

Our Mission & Vision

We are a growing family of faith, loving God through Jesus, reaching and equipping individuals and families to become totally committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Cores Values
*Worship-personal and corporate worship in spirit and truth (John4:24 & Acts 2:41-47) 
*Discipleship- corporate and individual (2 Timothy 2:15)
*Ministry- service to members and non-members alike (Acts 20:19 & Philippians 2:3)
*Evangelism-sharing the liberating and life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ locally and globally (Matthew 28:19-20)
Prayer- daily communication with God (1 Thessalonians 5:17) 
*Fellowship- assembling together as brothers and sister in Christ (Hebrews 10″24-35)

Meet the Pastors


jason and susan1



Our Pastor Bro. Jason Moore and his wife Susan.
OMBC’s Senior Adult Minister, Bro. Stanley Stevenson.